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2002 zcca convention (roadsters welcome & encouraged)

To: "Roadster list" <>
Subject: 2002 zcca convention (roadsters welcome & encouraged)
From: mtyler <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 14:53:12 -0500
The national Z-car convention is june 17-21  The organizers would love to 
havew roadsters there for the car show wed. the 19th.  This is the big 
national convention, and will feature the official rollout of the 350-Z 
and an appearance by Mr. K, a poker run, autocross and all sorts of fun 
stuff.  Here's a link to the official page:

It is z car event, but the hosts sound very eager to include roadsters 
and other old datsuns.  The racing heritage and all that!

-Marc T.

Sisterdale, TX

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