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What fun

Subject: What fun
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 13:02:17 -0600 (MDT)
Thanks to some as yet unidentified screwup at my ISP, was
off the air for about 15 hours.  The problem is now resolved, and things
are getting back to normal.  Might be slow email response for a while
as there are no doubt a few thousand messages queued up around the world
waiting for a connection now.

Something I've been wondering about is there seem to be a large number
of requests coming in to majordomo of the form

  subscribe datsun-roadsters [address@some.where]

Only on rare occasions do requests for the other lists come in with the
person putting their address in between brackets.  Is there some place
that is giving people bogus information about how to subscribe to this
list?  One just needs to send the command

  subscribe datsun-roadsters

The address can be gotten automatically.


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