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Truck Vs. car

To: <>, <>
Subject: Truck Vs. car
From: "Paul" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 14:32:38 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: Alex Avery <>
> P.S. Fact: Big vehicles are inherently more safe--it's simple physics. Hit
> a 4" diameter tree on the side of the road with a roadster and you'll stop
> real quick (major forces ripping at your body).  Hit same tree in
> Expedition and you'll go right through it and stop more gently (much more
> survivable forces on your body). Like it or not, but big semi drivers walk
> away from accidents because they drive big vehicles. Drivers of
> hardly ever walk away from any kind of accident.

  Another FACT!  In a roadster or other smaller vehicle, I may be able to
stop short of hitting that tree.  Or maybe actually steer around it instead
of just plowing through it.  YES, if you are bound and determined to hit
something big and stationary, drive the biggest, heaviest tank you can find.
BUT, if you feel like avoiding an accident or two, drive something a bit
more nimble.  Maybe even save a gallon or two of gas so we can keep driving
a few more years!
  As for snow, yeah if you're driving through 3 feet of it, the ground
clearance is nice.  But remember 4 wheel drive doesn't matter when you hit
the brakes and realize you are in 3 tons of steel sliding down the road!


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