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OT, Bad week for car guys in HSV AL

To: "Roadsters (E-mail)" <>
Subject: OT, Bad week for car guys in HSV AL
From: "Hall, Phillip" <Phillip.B.Hall@MSFC.NASA.GOV>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 08:12:54 -0600
Hey all -

Last week was not a good week for us car guys in Huntsville, Alabama.

My friend with the E-Type (Alan) is in the Impala SS club.  One on their
members was working on a car as it was running and it fell off the jack.
The car pinned him with the catalytic converter resting on his leg.  He was
trapped almost for 2 hours before he was found.  The burns on his leg were
so severe that they had to amputate it.  He is doing well at the local

Our daughter (Malori- 3 years old) has a boy friend (Drew) in day care.
Drew and Malori have been the best of friends for 2 years and do everything
together.  Drew's dad is a fellow Nissan lover (likes the KA24 motors) and
works on cars for extra cash on the weekends.  Over the years our families
have grown close.  Very nice people.  Last Wednesday Drew's dad (Joe) was
changing the fuel filter on a truck and gas dumped on him.  He had a drop
light under the truck with him and it ignited the gas.  Joe suffered burns
on 80% of his upper body and will require many skin grafts.  He is at the
UAB burn center in Birmingham AL.  His is doing much better then expected
and will have surgery next week.  In the attempt to put out the fire on Joe,
his wife burned her hands pretty bad.  She is with Joe and Drew is staying
with us for the next couple of weeks.  Drew is adjusting very good and talks
about his dad and the fire a lot which is good.  Also, their house received
a lot of damage.

Sorry to start the week off on a bad note.  Please be careful when you work
on the Roadsters and other cars.  And, please include these guys in your


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