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Rod Bolts revisited

To: "Roadster List" <>
Subject: Rod Bolts revisited
From: "Tom P" <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 20:24:04 -0500
Hi All,

Thanks to all about the rod bolt question. List consensus seems to indicate
that ARP #135-6002 bolts for the chevy 396 cid will do the job. So I went to
the ARP site to check it out. Seems the 135-6002 bolts are 3/8" bolts which
comes out to be approx .401"  The Datsun rod bolt I have is approx .439" which
is .038 larger. If I did this right and used the chevy bolt it will flop
around in the datsun rod.

So I looked at the next chevy bolt which is the #135-6001 for the 452 cid.
This bolt is 7/16" or about .431" This is still .008" smaller than the Datsun
rod bolt.

I then went to my machinest and asked him about it. He pulled a used 396 rod,
knocked out the bolt and dropped it in my stock datsun rod. Bolt was way to

Question then is - what am I missing here? Seems both of these bolts are too
small to be used in a Datsun rod.


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