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Re: [] Roadster

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: [] Roadster
From: "Pre-Zee" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2001 06:29:50 -0800
On this link @ picture #7 you can see the radiator fan is running.  However
the engine is in nice focus rather than having a soft blur from a shaking

My question is how do I know if I have a (some) bad engine mount(s)?  My
engine sorta shimmy's from port to starboard as it runs & if I took a photo
would expect a blurred image (discounting a fast film).  I am guessing an
engine mount issue but how would I know if that's if & if it's one or both,
or is there a tranny mount that it might be?

If the consensus is engine mount are there any preferences or is it a choice
of one?  I know on my other brand one can do hydraulic mounts, solid mounts,
& such, but I have no idea how to identify & confirm.

I dare say a resolve would calm my dancing shifter knob too.

Or should I just dress the shifter in a grass skirt & call it a day 'brau'?

George M (Pre-Z)

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 8:26 PM
Subject: Fwd: [] Roadster

> Pictures here:

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