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Re: Osh/Sears

To: Robert Giel <>,
Subject: Re: Osh/Sears
From: Bobby Rees <>
Date: Mon, 05 Nov 2001 20:07:05 -0600
"Patrick P. Castronovo" wrote:     I have learned one thing from that incident.
If you do not raise your voice to create a commotion, they will try to sweep
your problem under the rug.  Silence is your defeat.

AMEN!!!  When my 4X CD burner went out with 2 months left on the extended
waranty, I went back to Fryes Electronics. They didn't want to credit me the
$199 that the salesperson told me would be done if I ever had a problem. After
standing at their customer return counter (which, incidentally, is by the door
where all the new prospective customers walk through) arguing with the store
manager, I switched to a new mantra. I repeated over and over, louder and
louder, " Are you telling me your salesperson lied to me to sell me the extended
warranty?" After people started slowing down to listen, I got $199 worth of CD
burner, just as promised........ A 12X no less. As the late great Frank Zappa
said "and the meek shall inhert nothing"
Brad Fornal, the lurker from the Spridget list.................

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