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Re: #@#$!! damn !@#$@!@#!@*%$#@!!

To: Roadster List <>
Subject: Re: #@#$!! damn !@#$@!@#!@*%$#@!!
From: Ronnie Day <>
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 09:08:40 -0600

> I totally agree... it is hard to get away from the City life.  Although
> Dan... there are places in the City that you cen get a house for a 1/4
> Million or should I say $250,000.  Check out Visitation Valley.  The area is
> actually getting really decent.  Not everything in the City is $$$.  Mary and
> I struggled for the first two years and now things are okay.  We paid only
> $225,000 and that was $15K over asking.  Holy Moly... our neighbors just paid
> $480,000 and they dont even have an ocean view.  ;>)
> I would hate to see Dan and Irene leave the City for those "Modesto folks".
> ;>)  They will make you cut off your long blonde locks and go stock roadster.
> Or even worse they will have you install a non-matching numbers VG-30 or
> SE-R motor or whatever they got out there in the boonies.  Man... thats scary.

Oh I don't know about having to be too near the city life, but as Chris
mentioned earlier, we do have advantages here to offset the heat and
tornados. Heck, Marc and Heidi traded Burbank for 20 acres and a nice place
in the Hill Country NW of San Antonio.

Six years ago we paid the closing  and transfer costs on out 1K square foot
frame house. The note was in the mid $40K range, payment around $600/month.
It's on a large lot and although we only have a single car garage, we have a
flat six car driveway. Since then we added over 200 square foot, a 12 x 16
woodshop in the back yard and we're not finished by a a long shot, doing
almost all of the work ourselves, although that does cut into time I'd like
to spend on the cars.

Current valuation on our little country island in town is in the mid $90's.
I have a 15 to 20 minute very easy drive to downtown Fort Worth, a great
area to work in. We are thinking about moving a bit further out, or even
possibly down to the area where Marc and Heidi are located. City living's
okay when you're younger, but quiet and solitude has a lot going for them,
too. I don't care where you are, land prices go up almost daily.


Ronnie Day
Dallas/Ft. Worth
'71 510 2-dr (Prepared Class Autocrosser)
'73 510 2-dr (Street Toy)

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