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Re: #@#$!! damn !@#$@!@#!@*%$#@!!

To: <>, <>, <>,
Subject: Re: #@#$!! damn !@#$@!@#!@*%$#@!!
From: "William Hatfield" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 22:30:11 -0700
Hi:  I guess I'll have to go with Modesto bunch because a VG-30
roadster is a gooood thing.  Do matching numbers make for better
preformance?  (GGG)   I would issue a friendly, fun challenge to
Calspeed to put his matching no. solex up against the VG-30 too.
Maybe I should come out and help Daniel on the move.  Just a little
friendly ribbing from Bill way out in the boonies.
                             Bill      66&67(VG-30) in NM
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>; <>;
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: #@#$!! damn !@#$@!@#!@*%$#@!!

> In a message dated 10/31/01 7:01:44 AM !!!First Boot!!!,
> writes:
> <<  But, I think your
>  a bit like me, don't want to be away from the city pulse. That's
tough in
>  San Fran. I can't imagine WHO could buy there! I mean what kind of
money do
>  you have to make for a mil.five harbor district bungalow!?! >>
> Hello,
> I totally agree... it is hard to get away from the City life.
> Dan... there are places in the City that you cen get a house for a
> Million or should I say $250,000.  Check out Visitation Valley.  The
area is
> actually getting really decent.  Not everything in the City is $$$.
Mary and
> I struggled for the first two years and now things are okay.  We
paid only
> $225,000 and that was $15K over asking.  Holy Moly... our neighbors
just paid
> $480,000 and they dont even have an ocean view.  ;>)
> I would hate to see Dan and Irene leave the City for those "Modesto
> ;>)  They will make you cut off your long blonde locks and go stock
>  Or even worse they will have you install a non-matching numbers
VG-30 or
> SE-R motor or whatever they got out there in the boonies.  Man...
thats scary.
> Calspeed
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