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Re: Turbo your U-20!!

Subject: Re: Turbo your U-20!!
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 07:21:43 -0700
You may not know this, but Mike Kerr has aready Turboed a U-20. There is a 
picture of the engine on his website.

Andrew Murphy

From: Dan Neuman <>
Reply-To: Dan Neuman <>
Subject: Turbo your U-20!!
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 23:22:43 -0700

Hey All,
        I was home 'sick' from work today.. Actually was kinda sick and when
you work in a hospital you can snake out of work if you feel kinda sick.....
because its for 'the good of the patients'.
        Anywho, I was reading this book, Maximum Boost by Corky Bell.  Its a
pretty good how-to book about turbos.  Lots of good pictures and good theory
it appears to be prettty inteligently written  and covers every aspect of 
your own turbo set-up, I reccomend it. Plus, Corky used to race a roadster 
SCCA comp.  I turn to the chapter on blow thru
turbo's and he says that the absolute best carb to use is .....our beloved
mikuni 44phh!!!!!!  In one of the pictures they show a pretty cool looking 
integrated air-to-water intercooler on a set of 44phh's.  Aparently BMW
2002s have the same carbs as us.
        So, there does exsist aftermarket turbo set-ups for the 2002 this
would seem to me to be a good place to start if I were crazy enough to want
to turbo a U-20.  I think I might try to order a catalog from one of the BMW
places advertised in GRM.   Also vintage BMW performance suppliers might
have other Mikuni goodies, worth a look- how different is a BMW 2002 engine
from our U-20's both OHC 2000cc inline fours running 44phh carbs.
        Now if I can just find a good deal on a set of forged low compression
pistons for the U-20....

                Daniel 69 2000
                SF CA


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