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Re: BADROC nihonmachi

To: datsun roadster mailist <>,
Subject: Re: BADROC nihonmachi
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 15:12:04 -0700

Spoke with my dentist about the J-town festival, his wife is on the 
organizing committee. He says it's too late for this year, but it may be 
something we could do for next year. Now keep in mind that he can't speak 
for his wife, just offering an opinion. But something we can investigate.

What a kick it would be to have our roadsters carrying dignitaries in the 
parade, and to put on a display of our roadsters on the side. I'll do some 

Fred - So.SF

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
>Subject: BADROC nihonmachi
>Author:  Hoon Kim <> 
>Date:    7/17/2001 10:41 AM
>Every year, San Francisco Japantown (Nihonmachi) has an event to 
>celebrate things japanese. I forget when it is but they have the 
>Nihonmachi festival and the Cherry Blossom festival (I think they are 
>separate events but not sure).
>What better than to have an old japanese car show as well. Does anyone 
>know if this was ever attempted beforeor even feasible? Does anyone 
>know if there are other vintage japanese car clubs around? 

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