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Re: OOPS! I did it again!!

To: "sidney raper" <>, <>
Subject: Re: OOPS! I did it again!!
From: "datsunmike" <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 20:03:52 -0400
After you brought another car home did your bed fit in the new one :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "sidney raper" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: OOPS! I did it again!!

> No, this is not an e-mail about Britney Spears......
> I want to start this note by thanking Phil Hall, his neighbor Alan (sorry,
> forgot the last name), Chris Brucciani, Craig Halsted, Alan Vedadi and
> Dent for taking time out of their schedules last week/weekend.
> A while back, I posted my 67 2000 project for sale.  A lot of folks were
> surprised because I have wanted a 67 2000 for quite some time now.  Well,
> the reason that I offered it up is that I had the opportunity to get
> 67 2000 in MUCH better shape.  To make a long story somewhat shorter, that
> all came to pass this past weekend.
> I left town Thursday morning with Spot in tow.  (Spot is the 67.5 1600
> was to be the donor for #76)  We headed to Atlanta and met Phil, his
> neighbor Alan and Chris.  We had a great time talking Roadsters and cars
> general (such a good time that I forgot about the financial part of that
> transaction!  But Phil and I talked later and will resolve it)  After
> I got back in the truck and drove on to Fayetteville, NC to visit with a
> high school buddy (he is a TR6 guy, but I don't hold that against him).
> next morning, I drove on to Front Royal and met up with Craig.  After
> touring his place, checking out the roadsters and resting from the long
> drive, we had lunch and went back to get the car ready to load up.  After
> moving a car, Alan and Mark arrived.  More Roadsterspeak occurred while we
> moved another couple of cars to get the 67 2000 out of the paint booth.
> We aired up it's tires and came up with a plan to haul it up the hill
> (STEEP!!)  As I sat on the engine which is located where the drivers seat
> belongs, I steered (no brakes!) as Craig in the 4x4 Dodge yanked us up the
> hill.  I should mention that the car was facing down hill and I had to
> looking over my shoulder.  We dodged the trees and pulled it up the hill
> get it ready to load.  A mouse decided to hitch a ride much to Craig's
> amusement.  (I think that he bailed out long before I got to Florida)
> and Mark suggested that I stay at Alan's so that I could be closer to I-95
> to trek south.
> The trip home was uneventful other than the fact that I now have another
> Solex 2000 in the driveway!  Thanks to Craig for giving me the chance to
> the car, thanks to Phil for taking Spot off my hands (so I would not have
> live in the driveway with the car), thanks to Alan and Chris for helping
> the car off of my trailer and onto Phil's borrowed tow dolly.  A BIG
> to Alan Vedadi for his hospitality for so graciously offering me a place
> stay on the return run and another big thanks to Mark for his help in
> helping make the trip a success.
> Now I have to assess the car's needs and clear out the garage to make
> for another project.  All in all, it was quite the adventure.  2100 miles
> (solo) in 4 days driving a borrowed F250 towing a borrowed trailer.  I am
> STILL tired from that drive, but you just have to experience over 7 litres
> of turbochared diesel towing capacity to believe it!
> I would be remiss if I did not thank the one person that REALLY made it
> possible.  My wonderful, understanding, adorable wife for putting up with
> and all my Roadster shenanigans!!
> Sidney Raper
> 1964 1500
> 1967 2000 (x2!!)
> Jacksonville Florida
> _________________________________________________________________

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