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Re: Pertronix Debate

To: Daniel Neuman <>
Subject: Re: Pertronix Debate
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 14:19:29 -0700
In regards to Pertronix it was written:
> I want to circularly ovalize these two mounting screws so that the unit can
> be slightly rotated back and forth for some dwell adjustment...
> Does anybody have any ideas about the usefullness of this excercise?

Of course I do :-)
Pertronix and the like do NOT have adjustable dwell.
The only thing muddling with the mounting will accomplish is to get
an inconsistent spark. The pertronix pickup is a simple switch: "here's
the lobe, it's time to fire!" If you change the gap it'll just lose 'sight' of
the lobe and start missing.

Pertronix now has the 'Ignitor II' which is supposed to automatically
adjust its internal dwell. Not all of their claims seem to make sense,
but oh well...

Example (from
  "compared to point-type systems... 2 times more available plug voltage"
  "compared to the original Ignitor... nearly doubles available plug voltage"
which implies the original Ignitor hardly increases available voltage at all..

Maybe I'm just bitter 'cause they don't make one that'll fit the later 510's :-)

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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