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Re: Disaster?? Help on leaking fuel pump..

Subject: Re: Disaster?? Help on leaking fuel pump..
From: Dan Neuman <>
Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2001 20:29:56 -0700
Okay so I lowered the car and checked the pump again.  It does not appear to 
be dripping like it was....But when I have Irene rev the car up I can see a 
spitting of fuel coming from the hole??  Could it be from a plugged fuel 
filter?? I have not changed it for awhile.  The only other thing I have done
before this is put in new fuel lines..the old ones were OLD

At 7:40 PM -0700 7/4/01, Dan Neuman wrote:
>Hello All,
>       I really need some advice/help on this one...
>When I was under the car I noticed that the fuel pump is leaking also...What 
>heck???  Its not leaking from the sides where it screws toghether. Its leaking 
>from this little hole about half way up the side?? The front of the car is up 
>jackstands so this hole might be a little bit more downhill than it usually 
>Please somebody tell me that this is normal when the car is jacke up.. Is my 
>fuel pump toast?? How the hell do I fix it before friday at 6am???? 
>       HEllllllllllllllllp
>               Daniel 69 2000
>               SF CA
>If any badroc'ers can help me out...415-752-3291

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