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Re[2]: Tires

To: "datsunmike" <>
Subject: Re[2]: Tires
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 10:18:25 -0700
On 6/5/2001 "datsunmike" <> wrote:

>Many Miata owners I met are the same as any other new car owners and 
>simply know nothing about cars other than to fill it with gas.
>I was angry at that guy because he just spent about $25K for a special 
>edition Miata and was too *uckin cheap to spend $20 for a tire gauge. 
>BUT he did spend the money for a stupid grill and special license 
>plate holder and a few other useless gizmos. Go figure.
>I'm sure we all know some people like that.

Yeah, and some of them are Datsun folks. Some of us will shell out big 
bucks for a stereo, nice wheels, expensive wax and polish for the paint and 
chrome. But won't spend the money on replacing the air & oil filters, 
ignition points, rotor, distributor cap, spark plugs, and brake fluid. 
We're talking small bucks here, under a $100! Hey, we're all guilty of this 
to a certain extent. How often are all of you swapping these parts? I know 
I'm not doing it often enough. Let's all show our cars that we really do 
CARE (as in saying we love roadsters), and replace this stuff at least ONCE 
a year. (Non-runners are excused!)

Fred - So.SF

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