I've just replaced my alternator, about a month ago now.
It's a generic Bosch alternator normally used in Holdens - a friend of mine
who's an auto-electrician put it in for me.
I'm glad of that, he knew what he was doing, and it still took 3 hours!
(quite a bit of fiddling around getting the alignment right)
Now, we did it for one main reason - the old alternator died, and rather
than wait for it to be rebushed, I wanted the car running NOW!
Also, I have a pair of big 150W driving lights on the front of my baby,
which I intend to actually use for when I start competing in night rallies.
So the Bosch we put in is a 85amp unit, to cope with the lights and also any
other electrics needed to rally - cockpit computer, map lights, etc.
So far so good - haven't used the driving lights at all, and she regulates
fine. But I'm unsure of how it was all done - one of the problems with
getting an expert to do things is that it limits the amount of learning you
get. But that's a sacrifice I have to make, as "Ladybird" is my daily
transport. Better to get it right, first time.
I'm off to a rally on the weekend (control official, not competing, yet),
and I imagine the lights will get a little use as I find my way on some back
roads. I'll report any findings...
(1968 2000 Solex)
>From: Alex Avery <aavery@rica.net>
>Reply-To: Alex Avery <aavery@rica.net>
>To: Roman Rist <ristguitars@yahoo.com>, Daniel Neuman
><dneuman@hodge.sfsu.edu>, datsun roadsters
>Subject: Re: GM alt hub-bub
>Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 17:02:47 -0400
>We've been very happy with our GM 45 amp conversion as well.
>At 01:39 PM 5/14/01 -0700, Roman Rist wrote:
> >I got a Gm 45 amp alternator on the recomendation of Paul Kort of OROC
> >fame.
> >
> >The 45 amp seems to make the most sense in a roadster with 30 plus year
> >old wiring that I beleive is designed for 30 amps appox. I have a high
> >power stereo with 4 speakers, fog lights and everything is wired in the
> >stock location. The alternator is not separately fused or anything.
> >
> >I drove 7 hrs in the rain back from Arizona with every electrical acc
> >on and the stereo BLASTING! No problems, whatsoever.
> >
> >Seems like more than 45 amps is overkill.
> >
> >I have had aboslutely NO problems with my electrical system since I
> >made the conversion.
> >
> >The only thing I am a bit displeased with is that at idle with the
> >lights on it goes into a slight discharge....small price to pay in my
> >opinion for the benefits however.
> >
> >My .02
> >Roman
> >Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
> >http://auctions.yahoo.com/