One of the first things I attempted was installing these, and I was totally
clueless that there was a doorcap piece, so I just bent the weatherstrip
around the corner on the door side, bonded it with 3M adhesive, and was
done. (it looks fine) Then, I tried the driver side, and have bonded that
corner back on 10-12 times, each time it springs off. (PO had a rivet in
there) I don't remember whether starting at the door side vs. the w/s side,
that may have been the difference, but I don't think so. I think a vendor
has the door caps, although I think the price made me think I could make
something that was functional. (but then 'functional' is more the theme of
my car, and my car budget) So now I have cut off the springy piece, and
will leave it until I rip a favorite shirt, (like my REALLY COOL Solvang
2001 shirt, then make something.
Fergus O, 69 2000, HB, CA