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Re: spirited drive req't

To: "Gary McCormick" <>,
Subject: Re: spirited drive req't
From: "@Home" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2000 10:04:14 -0700
OH you betcha!    I loved the looks I got last February when I drove top
down to Greeley from Denver (60 miles) in about 20-30 degree?  weather
wearing a t-shirt!!   And how could I forget when Greg Wolff came showing
off his former California car (Andrew Murphys old 1600)... apparently the
car  either doesn't have a top, or doesn't know how it goes on, so Greg
shows up at my house in 10 degre weather topdown!!   Crazy people seem to be
all around us!  Keep up the good work and enjoy the ride!!


----- Original Message -----
From: Gary McCormick <>
To: Ofarrell, Fergus <>
Cc: 'roadster.netlist' <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2000 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: spirited drive req't

> You go, Fergus! Back when my '70 2000 did more than take up space in my
garage I used to
> revel in my topdown morning commutes in just-above-freezing weather in
January and
> February (OK, I know that the folks from NWROC, TDROC, WYCROC and all the
other ROCs will
> be going "Big deal!", but that's about as cold as it ever gets here in the
Bay Area).
> Bundled-up commuters in their hardtops would clutch their steaming
commuter mugs and
> goggle in amazement at the crazy guy in the funny little foreign car
wearing gloves and a
> knit hat, cruising the expressway with the top down!
> Gary McCormick
> San Jose, CA
> "Ofarrell, Fergus" wrote:
> > After installing new points/condenser/plugs/wires last weekend, I
printed up
> > all the archive info on timing and re-set it (real simple, thanks again
> > Walter) and in reading various accounts of setting the timing, all
> > with "take it for a spirited drive".
> > No additional detail needed for this step.
> > So, south on the 405 to Laguna Canyon Road, one of those snaking two
> > that leads out towards the beach, with the temp changing about 10-20
> > as you go along with the humidity from wet fields and hills.  Exhaust
> > providing plenty of music to my ears. Then a cruise thru the holiday
> > decorations, with all the bundled up SUV'ers aghast that someone would
> > in December with the top down.  (all of 50 degrees at night)  Saw a
> > Audi TT convertible, but at least it had the top down (there is hope
> > Off to work this morning with all the coffee-clutching commuters
> > surprised that the top was down at 0-dark-thirty.  (heck, I think most
> > horrified that anyone still drives a manual transmission)  My off-ramp
had a
> > broken-sprinkler water-plume that landed a healthy drop right on my
> > but it felt warm so I had to laugh.
> >
> > Fergus O'Farrell
> > 69 2000  HB,CA

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