Chances are that it is a non-smog water pump. It just so happens that I
have 3 sets of the fans to fit it here.........
>From: "Paul" <>
>Reply-To: "Paul" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: 1600 water pumps ?s
>Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2000 06:23:03 -0500
> Okay, Ralph got the water pump from the local car parts joint and it
>to the block perfectly, the water passages and hoses match up perfectly.
>Problem? The shaft and fan hub are nothing like the fan he took off ( 1968
>1600 )? I haven't seen it yet but Ralph said the hub looks like it would
>use a clutch fan.
> Any ideas what the pump is from and where to get a fan for it?
>Phil, how about a custom billet fan?