Hello All,
I've got another 'learn by Daniels mistakes' story for you. For a
while now I've had this 2000 solex car with the fancy 4.11LSD. I have never
been very happy with the perfomance. Ken and and Mike could just walk away
from me in their solex-mobiles. All this time there is a little voice in my
head saying.. you paid all this money for a 'fast' roadster and you got
screwed!!. I checked the timing, the compression the carbs they all seem
to be working well-got the fancy free flowing exhaust..but still when I
stomp on the gas the car just did not pick up speed fast enough...They lately
its been running weeker than usual.
Finally I found out what was wrong!!!!!!!!! This weekend I was
replacing the fuel lines and noticed that the 1 spark plug wire was loose..
in fact it was not really plugged in at all. I got the fancy MSD wires
from Ross and 3 out of the 4 lock VERY positively to the plug but this one
just doesn't don't know what I did wrong.. Well bam my car is now running way
better than before (duh). But this was only the cause of the recent decrease in
Here's the answer to the mystery of the slow roadster...CARPET!!!!!!!! Carpet
and padding!!!!!!!!!! I must of installed the driver side carpet badly-maybe
its the po's fault who knows. BUt there was a good 3/4 inch of stuff between
the pedal and the stop!!!! When I was stomping on the gass I was losing the
last bit of throttle!!! Man I am so LAME sometimes. Now the car goes like
stink...I mean it REALLY GOES!!!!!!!! And its not just my imagination
either Irene noticed it to-so it must be true!!!
WOW it feels so nice to have a REAL roadster. I tell ya was getting
just a bit dis-enchanted with the whole thing...but not anymore!!!!
DAniel 69 2000