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Problems... as usual!

To: datsun <>, Greg Cheer <>
Subject: Problems... as usual!
From: Eric Frisbee <>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 21:01:26 -0600
Greetings fellow roadster maniacs!
      I have been asked to post this message for a WyCROC'r who isn't on
this List...

Greg Cheer recently got his car put back together and drove it home (I
helped reinstall the engine with  him), however, he called tonight
saying that he can't get the car started now... Good compression and
all, but it seems that his distributor isn't turning now??   He pulled
the distributor and everything looks good down there... no torn up metal
or anything??    Does anyone have a reasonable explanation for this
strange problem??  I haven't seen the engine yet, so I can't confirm...
but I hope to do so very soon!!     thanks to all who may have some sage


Gregs address is if you want to write him directly.

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