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Back on line... yipee!

To: road <>
Subject: Back on line... yipee!
From: "Thomas Walter" <>
Date: Sun, 06 Aug 2000 08:30:59 -0500
Still waiting for a replacement laptop at work, but couldn't take not
having email any more and went out and bought a nice little HP desktop
(8760C) system for home/telecommuting work. So it is nice to be
back on line!!!

Shasta - never enough time to see everyone! Still had a blast, but
next year I need to take the roadster with me! Had the Maxima
and did the long road trip.  I still have LOT's of the "Datsun
Roadster Parking Only" signs from  Laurie sitting in the trunk
of my car. ;-)

Emerson and Liam did fine. Good travelers, especially as this
was a 5,000 mile road trip. We are thinking of a Alaska Road
trip with the Land Cruiser... mind boggles at the distance for
that one (I might drive the cruiser out to Seattle, fly home...
then start the road trip from there with the kids!)

Went  to fire up Rodney yesterday. Battery needs a charge, but
had enough power to power up the aftermarket electric fuel pump.
Dumped about a cup of gas on the floor, while I was wondering
where the fire extinguisher was... just in case. Needle and seats
are gummed, just takes a little fresh fuel flowing through them to
clean off the sticky vanish. Another reason why the cars like to
be used on a weekly, if not daily, basis.


Tom Walter

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