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Re: <OT>THanks everyone

Subject: Re: <OT>THanks everyone
From: Marc Sayer <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 15:23:59 -0700 wrote:
> Thanks for all the letters of support re: my crappy Friday.
> I found out the technical term for the gadget he had is a "crating hammer" or
> "crating axe". ANyhooo....
> After a long weekend of fretting & deliberating, I have done a bunch of
> research on the web, and am armed with a ton of addresses & phone ##'s to the
> various authorities that you kind folks have suggested for me. A police
> report is TOP the list as well.

Well, I want everyone on this list to know I thought long and hard
before posting this. And I want Laurie to know this is in NO WAY
directed at her. I don't know Laurie and couldn't begin to say whether
the following comments applied to her or not. And that is exactly what
my point is. While Laurie seems like a nice person, many of us know
almost nothing about her, or many of the people we "meet" on the net. In
person we can form opinions about folks based on all sorts of cues, but
on-line we are denied most of them. We can be and often are wrong in the
opinions we first form about folks we meet in real life, and this is
even more true about those we meet only on-line. My point here is we
have heard only Laurie's persepctive on what really happened. Maybe it's
accurate, or maybe its way off. Maybe Laurie is one of those people who
sees menace in any situation, or who has a personal issue with certain
types of men, or maybe with all men. I don't know. We don't know. And it
doesn't really matter because if we don't know for sure what went on in
a situation, or how specific people behaved, we need to be careful about
taking sides and encouraging this or that. That doesn't mean we
shouldn't be supportive in some fashion of a fellow Roadster lister, but
I question whether it is wise to leap blindly into the fray, as it were.
I think we all wanted to let Laurie know we were supportive of her and
we did that with good intentions, but to assume her version of events is
gospel and to advise she persue civil action etc., based solely on her
version of the events, may be counter productive. (All Lawyers please
skip this part) Lawyers will often gladly take on a suit they think is
unfounded if they see an oportunity for profit. If we were in any way
party to this, I think most of us would feel badly. Whether the outcome
was that Laurie was right but got taken by a shyster lawyer, or the boss
was not guilty of anything but was unfairly sued, or whatever, we would
still feel bad if we had contributed to the situation no matter how

Enthusiasm and team spirit are great and we all benefit when they are
applied with inteligence. But when applied blindly, things can go very
wrong. Many may feel I overstate this, but my feeling is that it is a
thin line between Nazi fervor and team spirit. The difference is applied
objective inteligence. It is easy to get caught up in the fervor and end
up doing something you may regret later (remember Randy whatshis name
and his evil wife and the Roadster he was going to lose because of her
if we didn't all send him a few bucks?)   

Marc Sayer
Z Car & Classic Datsun Magazine
Voice 541-726-6001
Fax 541-746-0863/726-6001

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