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Re: Sniping (was E-bay)

Subject: Re: Sniping (was E-bay)
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 21:42:45 EDT
<< The subject of sniping came up briefly recently. It's an interesting 
subject because it seems you're either 'fer it or ag'in middle 
ground.  >>


I am definitely in the middle.  I love the generosity of the List.  
Information is always there when needed.  I have also received free parts 
from wrecked cars on several occasions.  Once again, the genersoity of the 
majority of the List is beyond words.

But I also think that eBay is a wonderful source.  Not necessarily for buying 
but for selling. I too have given parts away on many occasions.   But I still 
have a bunch of parts in my garage that I really want to get rid of.  These 
parts dont take up much space in the garage but I still want to get rid of 
them.  I feel that they could be put to good use.

So I am going to put them all in a box and sell them all together as a 
"potpourri" of parts.  One low price for everything in there.  Yes, I could 
just say free to whoever wants it and then I would get alot of responces.  
But then these parts are going to probably just sit in someone elses garage.  
But if I place them on eBay for a low price someone who really needs them 
will more than likely make a bid.  I would like the parts to be put to use if 

Two years ago I asked the list if someone had a certain part laying around 
and would be willing to sell it.  Sure enough, I recieved it in the mail a 
few days later for free.  Well, that part is still being used and will 
continue to be used.  

Michael "Calspeed" Carion
67.5 SRL311-000248 Solex

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