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Fire Extinguisher Time: GrassRoots fire

Subject: Fire Extinguisher Time: GrassRoots fire
From: "John F Sandhoff" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2000 18:23:49 PST8PDT
As an uninvolved third party, please allow me to hop in and quench
what I hope doesn't become a battle over two views of the same article!

One of our list members has received a writer's greatest pleasure
(maybe even more meaningful than the check?): he's been published
in a respectable magazine; and has had the opportunity to further
enlighten the world to the existence of our cars at the same time!

Way to go Tom, even though I haven't found a copy to personally
peruse yet!

Another list member, I don't believe with any malicious intent, pointed
out a couple of, um, discrepancies that made it into print. In all
fairness, I think many of us tend to 'set the record straight' when
information presented about our hobbies/passions is incorrect. What
the comments indicated, were that people are actually reading the
article. That is a good thing. And the comments overall were positive.
Another good thing!

So I'd like to congratulate BOTH our author, who provided the
enlightening and entertaining article, and our reader, who is
showing financial support of the magazine and author by having
purchased the magazine!

Can we shake hands now? :-)

[ And... for those that haven't experienced it - it's amazing what happens
to an article between it's inception, and its finally reaching print. ]

Sorry if I've offended anyone... Comments offline unless you feel
they belong in the mainstream group.

-- John
     John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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