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Re: Radar Detectors Reccomendations?

Subject: Re: Radar Detectors Reccomendations?
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 08:09:49 EDT
I went through the same process a couple of months ago. The Valentine is rated 
and touted the best but at the price it should be. (my friend owns a couple, 
they are not that clunky and big).  Yet for me I got the Escort Passport 7500, 
the expert setting tells you the number and types of hit but lack in 
Valentine's directional indicators.  Around here the Safety Alert and SWS are 
not used... but one day...  the SmartCord(I don't own one) allows you to 
operate in stealth mode. You look at the power outlet instead of the unit. 
Since I'm not that much of an aggressive driver I thought that the passport 
would do just fine.  It has but then again I've never gotten a speeding ticket.

68 FairLady 2L

In a message dated Thu, 8 Jun 2000  5:50:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Daniel 
Neuman <> writes:

<< Hello All,
    I am thinking about buying a radar detector for the roadster.
Does anybody have any reccomendations as to which model make etc?? 
Where to buy??
            Daniel 69 2000


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