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Re: A couple of questions -- Turning the engine by hand and distribut or

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: A couple of questions -- Turning the engine by hand and distribut or caps
From: "Ron & Julie Edgar" <>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2000 05:02:00 -0400
I pull the spark plugs first so there is no compression..   Easy job and it
also lets me check to make sure I have #1  @ the top.  My fly wheel has
blancing holes drilled in it.  A large round screw driver works as a lever
to turn the crank usung these holes.  I have learned on my 1600 to set the
crank timing mark @ 14 deg. (book says 16)  The marks go 0. 5. 10. 15 so I
go to 15 and back off just a bit.  Lossen the distributor bolt and turn it
until the points are riding on the top of the cam.  Adjust or replace
points.  Set gap.  Secure points. Turn distributor back to allow points to
close.  Get out trusty single wire electrical test light.  Gound wire to
good frame ground. Hold point of test light probe on the hot wire bolt of
points and VERY Slowly
turn disributor until points open and test light goes on.  Do this three
time slowly each time until you can stop right at the pint where the light
goes on.  Now tighten down  the locking bolt without moving the distributor.
Put your spark plugs, rotor and cap back in place and fire her up.  Oh you
beter put the plug wires back too :-)

For me this works like a champ.  My car has never run better.

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 2:17 AM
Subject: Re: A couple of questions -- Turning the engine by hand and
distribut or caps

>In a message dated 6/5/00 7:33:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
><< I am wanting to turn the engine
> manually to put in a new set of points but can't seem to get at the main
> pulley bolt using my 12-inch crescent wrench (even after pulling the fan
> shroud).  I tried using a 1" socket, but the bolt is larger.  Anyone know
> what size the bolt is?  Is there a trick to getting a grip on it with a
> wrench? >>
>Why not just put the car in 4th gear and push it forward until you get the
>distributor lined up on the high point.  Is there anything wrong with that
>Michael "Calspeed" Carion
>67.5 SRL311-000248 Solex

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