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weekend problems

To: datsun roadster mailist <>
Subject: weekend problems
From: Hoon Kim <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 10:53:24 -0700
Hi again,
Sorry to the BADROCers that I couldn't make the run and meet all of you
this weekend. After getting new tires (much better ride), I took a drive up
to Davis, my alma mater and back that day. Throughout my car was running
fine. It wasn't until the next day that things kicked in. So here's my

'67 1600

1) my engine is idling too low and stalling. I have to constantly keep my
foot on the accelerator to prevent it from stalling while at stops. I just
installed a new fuel filter so I know that's not the problem. Could it be
the fuel line going into the carbs? If so how do I check it? Like I said it
was running fine before the trek off a total of 2 hours of highway driving.
I pulled the choke out at one time and then was idling fine, then after
stoping the engine and starting up again the same trick would work, even
more rough idling.

2) related - only once did this happen, but at the same time, my engine
while accelerating had loss power and sounded like it was making a repeated
staccato sound. Could this be the sparkplugs? it only happened once, and
after the car warmed up more (it was sitting in lot for less than an hour
then started up again) the power was back.

3) what is the tubing that comes out of the thing by the carbs, which I'm
assuming is the float. It is the piece where the gas line connects to and
there is another tubing that comes out. Is it an overflow tube? If so,
right now it is freely connected to a plastic bottle next to the carbs,
that looks like window washer bottle but isn't. Last time I check it, there
was not liquid in it, but after the hard drive if was completely full of a
liquid that had a small smell of gas, but seemed like mainly water.

4) my shifter came off the shift hole frame. Because of this, I ended up
losing one of the bushings that keep it tight. Luckily I still have the top
bushing. Anyone know where I could find one?

Thanks for all the help. I'm gald have the list to turn to in dark times.

5) anyone of you BADROCers willing to take a look see at my car maybe this
weekend, take it for a test drive and give me some general advice. It's
going on 1 full month of roadster ownership!


                     Hoon Kim
 :/_()_____()_;      '67 1600

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