Here is a little advice about tuning multiple carbs that
I have learned from several years of motorcycle tuning.
At full throttle the syncronization has little effect on
performance. At idle the syncronization is very
critical. A very small difference in butterfly position
can make a big difference. This small difference would
not be detectable with the naked eye. The only way to
sync properly is with a tool. The mercury manometer
used for motorcycles works wonderfully. You must have a
vacume port for each carb. I tapped the manifold and
installed fittings. This method allows you to see the
setting on all the carbs at the same time without
removing the air cleaner. My SU car was a bit easier
than a solex might be.
Nomad Trash
> Hello All,
> Done some more monkeying with my Solex's. Heres what I have
> found.
> Well all four acc pumps squirt gass across the garage jsut fine.
> All the jets in the different carbs match. They don't look dirty at all. The
> throttle butterflys (2 per carb). appear to be 'in synch' -they both open the
> same amount at full throttle and they both look like they are in the same
> position when they are closed. The little filter screens in the carbs were
> clean. The float needles both work.
> What else did I miss??\
> Could all of my problems been from the vacuum leaks coming from
> the rubber isolators??
> I have new ones coming.. $80 bucks youch!! So any other tests-things
> I should look at before I bolt the carbs back on let me know.
> Is there a write up on the web about tuning-adjusting Solex's???
> I mean specifically how to tune the solexs on a raodster??? With pictures
> and clear ENGLISH descriptions about what to do??? If there is not then I
> suggest someone make one!!! If I ever figure this out I will try to write
> something up.
> Daniel 69 2000