I have used magnetics on my roadster for about 15 years,
they almost always stay attached for auto-x races (up to 60 mph?)
as long as I miss the bondo spot in the drivers side door
however, I occasionally lose some when running hillclimb races
(maybe 85 mph ?)
If you have trouble getting them to stay on the doors ?
place your numbers on the hood & trunk if your club allows.
There is a picture of my car with magnetics on Mark Dents web site
John Atchison
Idaho Falls
69 2000
>I have the same problem with magnetic numbers. My son even gave me the big
>round magnet (20") to stick on the door first and it just slid off. I've
>cut numbers from the silver window tint from home improvement stores that
>ha s a slightly sticky side, and with a mild soapy water solution I can get
>them to stick really well, without damaging the paint. Unfortunately, my
>car is now close to the same color as the numbers, and can't be read when
>I'm traveling at speed (for me, over 20 MPH). The number has to dry before
>you get out in the wind, or it will peel, and you can't swap or change
>numbers for two drivers.
>My latest SCCA magazine lists graphics companies that sell numbers and
>letters in all sizes and all materials. Solotime@southwind.net will send
>you a free catalog. I have one around here somewhere, and it has everything
>I want. I'm just too frugal (cheap) to spend the money. Their telephone #
>is 316-683-3803. Squierdesign has a similar catalog
>http://members.aol.com/squierdsgn and their telephone # is 800-867-5555.
>GT Graphics, 800-435-3278, Pro Tape Racing Graphics,
>www.autocross.com/protape/ and AAK Racing graphics, www.aakracing.com are
>also advertised. If someone finds a cheap alternative at Wal-Mart please
>let me know.