When I first purchased my '70 2000 in 1986, it had a length of heavy chain
attached to a
bolt through the floor pan directly under the steering wheel. Evidently, the PO
would loop
it around the rim of the wheel and padlock it. Given the thin plastic wheel rim
on the
Roadster, this was kind of like looping the chain and lock on your bicycle
around a couple
of spokes in the wheel. I removed it and plugged the hole in the floorboard. My
against theft (and sun damage and bird crap) has always been a lightweight car
Whenever I would park the car, I would toss the cover over it before leaving,
even if just
for 15 minutes. The cover rolls up easily and stows behind the seats, and
installs quickly
with a quick toss to unroll it back to front, and a couple of tugs to pull the
sides down.
Gary McCormick
San Jose, CA
'70 2000 SRL311-13291
Andrew Murphy wrote:
> Hey Alan,
> Congrats on getting the car back. I hope it comes back together soon. There
> was a hard top on ebay, but it finished its run. Try Mike Kerr or Mike
> Young. They usually have some. Also, did they steal the entire top? That
> will mean you need latches and we both know what that means. I just bought
> some 67.5 latches and they aren't cheap but you can get them.
> I ask this question of the list a while back but no one responded. Has
> anyone put a theft deterent device in their car. Something like Lojack or
> Teletrac? I am thinking ofdoing this on mine.
> Any way Alan, hope to see you on the road soon!
> Good luck!
> Andrew Murphy
> 67.5 2000
> SoCalROC