Sorry to hear about your roadster!
I put a detachable steering wheel on mine, that thing isnt going anwhere
unless they tow it.
On Fri, 21 Jan 2000, Michael Landskroner wrote:
> Dear Alan,
> I share in your moment of grief as I too had my Roadster stolen several
> years ago. They trashed the interior, ruined my starter motor, dented my
> rear quarter and did other damage as well.
> I used to use it as my every summer-day car but now I don't as it's too
> easy to steal (even I hot wired it when I lost my keys).
> If you want give me a call re: wire hookup but I am at work now and
> can't help. My tel no. is 718-225-7393.
> Mike
> 66
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Smith []
> Sent: Friday, January 21, 2000 12:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: Recovered 67.5 1600 in SF
> Hello Everyone:
> Well my 1967.5 1600 was recovered by the S.F. police a few miles from
> where
> it was stolen. The top, my manual and some other items from the trunk
> were
> gone.
> I have some electrical questions.
> 1. The wires from the coil were disconnected. There are 4 prongs on the
> coil and 2 disconnected wires nearby.
> Should there only be 2 wires connected to the coil prongs?
> If so, does it matter which wire goes to which prong?
> 2. The ignition switch was disonnected as well. The switch has 3
> prongs
> labeled "B" "ST" and "IG". There were 3 wires near the switch (I forget
> the
> colors).
> Does anyone know which wire (color) goes to which prong(B, ST or IG)? I
> will check the colors of the wire when I get a chance to
> go to the car.
> 3. Finally, are there any links to electrical charts on the net?
> Thanks for any help.
> Soon to be driving again!
> Alan Smith