Thanks for all your suggestions, lots of good tricks to know!
Since the head is already off and since the block is sitting on a couple of
2x4s, looks like option 1 or 2 will work best right now. I also like the
idea of stuffing rope down the spark plug hole.
Gee, i've never been to the hardware store so many times.. almost a daily
Been really busy at work so i'll have to wait a bit, and it's looking like
i'll be owning that rented engine hoist now, oh well.
Thanks again,
BADROC '69 2000
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Sunday, October 31, 1999 7:58 PM
> To:;
> Subject: Re: Flywheel removal
> Steve,
> Couple of tricks:
> 1. Take some bailing wire... no, I am not kidding.
> Put a pressure plate bolt back into the flywheel.
> Ditto on a engine to transmission bolt. rotate
> the flywheel so to two bolts are close together.
> Wrap a bunch of wire (I use safety wire), holding
> the two bolts next to each other.
> 2. Take a 4' long piece of angle iron. Drill two holes
> it it that line up with the pressure plate holes
> (pressure plate can be used to help to figure where
> the bolts go. You want two bolts next to each other).
> With that 4' angle iron holding the flywheel, much
> easier to get the flywheel bolts loosened.
> I have improvised and used a long breaker bar. Bolt
> through the hole in the handle, into the flywheel
> clutch bolt. Another bolt to hold the breaker bar
> against. Other hand on YET ANOTHER breaker bar to
> loosen the flywheel bolts.
> 3. Flywheel holder. A piece of metal with "teeth in it"
> to match up the teeth of the flywheel. Hole for one
> of the engine/transmission to go through it. Hacksaw,
> file, and a little time to make one. [I've seen
> commercial built ones for VW engines, but never one
> for a Datsun engine.
> 4. Remove the oil pan, and use a block of wood between
> the crankshaft and the side of the engine. Hard wood
> is best, as it might splinter.
> Having done all the above... boy, am I glad I have
> a air compressor and impact gun. Then again if I have
> do a clutch job on the road some place... these little
> tricks come in handy.
> Cheers,
> Tom Walter
> Disclaimer: long day, ready to call it a night... so if I
> overlooked something, you'll know why!