Another tip in addition to what has already been offered is to loosen the valve
adjuster lock nut and screw the adjuster all the way down into the head (max
valve lash). This will give a bunch of extra clearance so you don't have to
compress the valve springs as much.
Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA
1967 2000 #430
"Sochoux, Stephan" wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to remove the rocker arms on my U20 and i'm not making much
> progress. To start with, the head is off the engine and on the workbench.
> I've removed the little retainer springs on the rocker arms which give them
> some free play. It's not enough to slide them out. I can't see any pivot
> point to use to push the valve springs down without damaging the head. Do i
> just remove the cam bearing caps ? It seems to me to would put a lot of
> pressure on the cam and on the remaining caps. How is it done ?
> Thanks-
> Stephan.
> '69 2000 in repair