You need to compress the VALVE springs.
Usually this is easier with the head on the engine, and the
pistons rotated DOWN from the top of the block.
With a long screwdriver, or prybar, you should be able to
pry under the camshaft, pressing down on top of the valve.
Problem about doing this on the bench, is you need room for
the valve to open without hitting the top of the workbench!
So either with a couple of 4x2 pieces under the head, or what
ever, to keep the valve from getting bent when you open it
is needed.
Once you remove the rocker arm, also remove the lash pad.
Put both into a zip locked bag noting where they came from
(I number the bags 1 through 8 for easy identification).
>I'm trying to remove the rocker arms on my U20 and i'm not making much
>progress. To start with, the head is off the engine and on the workbench.
>I've removed the little retainer springs on the rocker arms which give them
>some free play. It's not enough to slide them out. I can't see any pivot
>point to use to push the valve springs down without damaging the head. Do i
>just remove the cam bearing caps ? It seems to me to would put a lot of
>pressure on the cam and on the remaining caps. How is it done ?
>'69 2000 in repair