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Re: No electricial power

To: John F Sandhoff <>
Subject: Re: No electricial power
From: Edward Wilsey <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 12:19:19 -0700
Hi John!

Has there been a way discovered to keep the ammeter from blowing out?
Kinda like a fast blowing fuse in line with the meter for what ever that
circuit branch is rated to pull?

'70 1600's

John F Sandhoff wrote:

> > My name is dean and i just purchased a 70 1600 roadster...
> Hi Dean!
> > NOTHING, only thing that would work or show power was the s-brake
> > light on the dash..
> The main battery cable goes to the starter. TWO wires then go from
> the starter, up to a plug below the master cylinders. One runs the
> 'critical' circuits thru a 20 amp fuse. The other runs thru the ammeter
> and then to the fuse block. Ross has wiring diagrams on his site
> ( but there's a really clean one by Taylor
> Hutt at Note that if
> there's a problem, that ammeter acts as a fuse and blows out :-(
> -- John
>      John F Sandhoff   Sacramento, CA

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