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Re: No electricial power

Subject: Re: No electricial power
From: (William Hatfield)
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 13:18:26 -0600
Hello all;  I just wanted to comment on electrical problems in the roadster.
Electrical problems are usually really easy to fix, but it might take 3 weeks to
find it. Two problem areas I've encountered are the amp leads and connections 
the connections on the back of the switch, both will gave the "everything is
dead" symptons.  FWIW        Bill 66&67 spls in N.M. wrote:

> Hi all,
> My name is dean and i just purchased a 70 1600 roadster, i test drove the car
> and purchased it. The owner said he put in a battery from another car for the
> purpose of selling and wanted to keep the battery.
> No problem i said, went to get the money and came back to tow it home, got
> home, took the battery out of my  z car and NOTHING, only thing that would
> work or show power was the s-brake light on the dash, no gauges moved or
> lights worked.
> The + battery cable has a 6'' lead that goes nowhere, is this an accessory
> wire or what. I seen a electric diagram from Gordons Garage that shows a lead
> from - post to the regulator, is this correct???.
> Any suggestions would greatly helpful.

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