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ignition options

To: David & Candy Pina <>,
Subject: ignition options
From: Ron Hamilton <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 14:03:23 -0700
Unless you are going racing, just a simple trigger type hall effect
set-up like the Pertronix will work wonders for the stock setup. The
pertronix replaces the points and condenser, eliminating  maintenance
needed in the distributor area, The MSD provides extra spark but doesn't
replace the points, just takes the load off of them so they last longer
but the rubbing block still wears.
 That said, I have used both and currently run MSD 6AL along with a
timing module for a better advance curve and a "soft" rev limiting
capability since I am running a fuel injected FJ20 that easily spins to
8500 rpm.
 Keep in mind that the coil and the condition of related wiring as well
as the distributor itself all play a part and any weakness there can
show as a lack of or inconsistent spark and timing.
And you thought roadstering was easy! Decisions, decisions!


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