Hey gang, just another update on the BIG OROC meet at Mid Ohio
this weekend. 13 Roadsters all in a row!!! May not seem big to some of you
but it was pretty big for us, especially considering we had to dodge rain
on Sunday. Now the really cool thing, we matched the attendance of both Z
that attended COMBINED! Yes, that's right on a rainy day we had 13 roadsters
there were a total of 13 Z cars between 2 clubs. Never let it be said
Roadster owners
are whimps.
BIG thanks to all that attended. We had a great time and I think
there were a lot of new friendships started. We also gained 3 new members
bringing our total membership to 50. We had 15 members last year at this
time! Pretty cool!
Thanks to CDM - Les / Dennis, ZCCD - Marc, Fairlady Products - Dean
(love that overnight delivery)!, Stickerman - Mark Dent, Traveling Tom Phelan
and Chef Paul Kort for all your help and contributions. Without them it would
not have been nearly as much fun!
For those that missed it all I can say is start planning for next
year it will be even bigger!
See You On the Road!
Team Luers