An outfit in the UK makes one, it's called the PermaBag. They are J. F.
Stanley & Co., on the web at The brushed cotton
cover comes with moisture absorbing canisters to put inside to control
humidity and a hygrometer so you can keep an eye on the interior
humidity level. Canisters can be recharged by drying them out in the
oven. I haven't seen a similar product in the US.
There is another product, which I think is called "CarCoon" which is a
clear plastic bag that you drive onto and zip up. It is equipped with a
blower to circulate fresh air, which might be counterproductive in
regions with high humidity. Couldn't find the advert for that one in a
recent Classic & Sports Car, but a Web search might pull up some info on
Gary McCormick
'70 2000
San Jose, CA
> PS don't they make a car cover that you can drive onto then zip up, vitually
> like putting the car in a bag?