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Re: For Sale 1600 & 2000

Subject: Re: For Sale 1600 & 2000
From: Edward Wilsey <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 08:39:47 -0700
Nice cars.

I have a question because I have not been able to identify the use of a clip
in the engine compartment.

If you click on the 2000 link and look at the third picture down (middle row)
you'll see the clip just before the radiator inline with the upper hose clamp
at the bottom of the picture.

What is it that clips in there?


Jim wrote:

>   I couldn't help but notice that you have re-routed the gas line on the
> 1600 to run in front of the radiator instead of going across the front of
> the motor on the thermostat housing.  I made this modification also when I
> though I was suffering vapor lock ( was actually rust flacks in the fuel
> line ).  How many other out there have done this?
> Paul
> BTW, beautiful car.  Are you sure you want a bigger house?
> Please respond to "Ron & Julie Edgar" <>
> To:
> cc:   "Mark Dent" <>, "Dennis Currington"
>       <> (bcc: Paul L Kort/Picker)
> Subject:  For Sale 1600 & 2000
> 1600
> 2000

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