>If you do want to use a 240Z drum, it would be best to have
>another set of holes (45 degree offset) drilled, with the
>proper 7/16" hole.
Same bolt circle, just different diameter holes?
>Just remember to coat the aluminum to steel axle area with
>a thin coat of antisieze to make it easier to remove those
>brake drums in the future.
Excellent idea. Someone posted recently to the 510 list about how hard it
often is to remove the heater return (?) fitting on the right rear corner
of an L-series head. Using antiseize there might help, too.
BTW, do you think running a line from that point up to the water pump
(heater supply?) might improve cooling on a higher compression motor? It
seems to me that it would improve coolant flow through the head.
Later, Ron
Ronnie Day
Dallas/Ft. Worth
'71 510 2-dr (Prepared class autocrosser)
'73 510 2-dr (Street Toy)