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RE: Couple of questions

Subject: RE: Couple of questions
From: "Dan Neff" <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 09:28:38 PST
Sat, 16 Jan 1999 Linda and Bill <> wrote:
>I am looking at buying a 69 1600. [...]
>Can a person 6 foot 3, drive this roadster with the top up?

I would think so!

Sun, 17 Jan 1999 you wrote:
>Subject: Thanks for a couple answers
>Wow, post a question one morning and the next morning you have 20

Not many were posted to the listgroup, so I don't know what was
said! I'll add my quick $.02 on height: I'm 6'2" and quite
comfortable in mine, HOWEVER, I've observed 2 things: There are 2
bolt-hole sets for the seat(s) - make sure yours is in the back, or
you'll be driving with your knee's wedged against the dash! Also my
seat is, Mmmm..., SHOT. It sags badly, and it's a perfect fit! I've
driven a '69 1600 with a good seat AND sheepskin covers, and my head
was too close to the side-flaps of the top; drove me nuts.. So, I'd
say if the seat sags, no problem. If the seat's good, you might want
to test one with a top on first..

It's running 20 deg's F here in the AM's, so I _gotta_ drive with the
top up and the heater on!

DanNeff     '69 2000
Colorado Springs, Co

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