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List, museums

Subject: List, museums
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:30:14 -0700 (MST)
As a matter of fact, there are close to 100 subscribers on the chapman-era
list.  You can check out list archives at
if you so desire.

And speaking of museums, I'd like to say check out the nifty web pages at - but I won't.  RealSoonNow I'll get around to
installing the pages Bob Allred has done for Ed Oblad's new place here in
Salt Lake.  If you do go to the museum page, you'll see a picture of Ed O.
at the wheel of his Lotus Elise, taken during our last IVR event out at
Wendover. [ ]  I got to do a few laps in
the Elise, it was quite fun.  Not quite the same level of cornering as the
Killer Spit on Slicks, but close, and the front straight is WAY shorter at
the wheel of the Lotus.  Hoo boy!


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