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SimpleSevens Update Again!

Subject: SimpleSevens Update Again!
From: john donohoe <>
Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 12:24:00 -0700 (PDT)
Greetings all,

Several new photos and a couple new names on the page
as well - Thanks everyone! First the new entries:

Mark Mellinger shows his Seven wearing its original
Wobbly Web wheels - don't see those on too many

Robin Cheeseman shares the spec of his somewhat
modified '62 Seven.

As for updates to the regulars, see the fine
resoration work on the GRP bits of David Caley's Seven
as well as a peek at his Elite and Elan - two new very
nice photos.

And Flemming Larsen has come up with an image of his
Seven from 1978 - the last time it was a complete car!

Ross Robbins has supplied a new photo of his Seven
(and his Elite) from a meet last fall.

And Gord Lowe sent a photo from a news clipping of
when he raced his Mini Cooper against the Seven he now

Lastly, R. Harrington was kind enough to send me two
photos of David Whiteside in his Lotus Six at Nassau.

If I've missed anyone, let me know!

John Donohoe
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