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Re: Speedo Drive Ratios

Subject: Re: Speedo Drive Ratios
From: Jeremy Fergusson <>
Date: Tue, 04 May 1999 15:11:51 -0400
Thanks Mike,

I knew there was a reason the World went digital... and left a few of us

Mike Causer wrote:

> Jeremy Fergusson wrote:
> > I've recently changed the diff ratio in my Seven from 4.11 to 3.89. Now
> > I need to make the speedo read correctly.
> > The nylon speedometer drive gear for the 4.11 is blue with 25 teeth. If
> > I go the other way, a drive for a 4.55 dif is white with 22 teeth. What
> > do I need for correct reading with a 3.89 dif and where can I find one?
> Easy!   Now where's m'slide rule?   Ah yes -- 25 times 4.11 divided by 3.89
> -- that's 26.4   There you go, find a drive gear with 26.4 teeth.
> Oh, BTW,  I used my 1968 sliderule; possibly the '63 would have given a
> different answer, being contemporary with the 105E.
> No charge for this advice.....
> Mike

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