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Re: Lotus 26-45 rear A arms

To: "A. Sta. Maria" <>, "Mike Braun" <>
Subject: Re: Lotus 26-45 rear A arms
From: "Tony Clark" <>
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 23:39:13 -0500
> Tony, there was an article carried in several classic car magazines
> months back on a very original MG TC that turned up in a garage I
recall in
> the UK.  It had the original paint and had never been restored.
> Immediately, it settled so many arguments that raged in the past
(e.g., what
> color should the engine bulkhead be?).  Of course, the dilemma of
the owner
> is that the car can never be restored but must be preserved as a
> record.   You might have such an obligation with respect to
> Just a light-hearted jest, Tony - congratulations on owning such a
> Regards,
> Andres
> Manila

Hey watch it, I DO have a Lotus exactly like that; the first Eleven
LM. (See "Lotus World" magazine two part article, "The First Eleven"
Oct & Nov '87, by Vic Thomas, founder of the "Historic Lotus
I dare not touch it!

The 26R does inspire some frustration:   I've had more than one
person see the bare 26R chassis and insist that it couldn't be a 26R.
  Their confusion arises from having seen a car identified as a  26R
and it had 40 pounds of gussets, reinforcements and bad repairs
perpetrated by two previous owners, one flamboyant tuner and a
student welder! 

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