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5 speeds in Elans

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: 5 speeds in Elans
From: Keith Gustafson <>
Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 11:04:20 -0400 (EDT)
Well I done did it. I forked out 125 American dollars and bought me a 1983
Nissan 280zx 5 speed. It even came with the torched off end of the
driveshaft. The ratios are reported to be 3.062:1,1.858,1.308,1.,.745.
I have checked 1st gear and it looks correct. While 5th gear may not be very
sporting, losing 900 rpm or so at 70 would be very welcome on long trips.
Now it just the minor detail of moving that shifter a foot or so! It is a
single rail style shifter, internal. I am thinking I can machine a hole
above the rail and then grab onto it further forward. The shifter does not
have to be as far forward as in the Lotus because the Lotus actually has to
extend it back some.

Well, I needed another winter project.

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