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Re: elan type 26 g/boxes/motors

To: william thompson <>
Subject: Re: elan type 26 g/boxes/motors
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 97 13:40:53 PST8
     You need to ask this question of the list.  
     The current discussion is in exactly this vein with lots of 
     knowledgable people participating.
     Rod Bean

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Subject: elan type 26 g/boxes/motors
Author:  william thompson <> at CCGATE
Date:    2/28/97 1:12 PM

after rebuilding 26/4204 i have been offered a very tired type 26 
without a motor or gearbox. i have been thinking of a 4age toyota motor 
and box or a t/c escort motor with a sierra 5 speed.has any body any 
experience in these conversions as i dont want to to do anything that 
may preclude a later restoration to original.

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