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To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Intro
From: Dick Carlson <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 11:29:45 -0600
Gotta try this again - sent once - vanished.

Name:                   Dick Carlson     
Age:                    Old Fart as verified by Rod Bean     
Location:               Kansas City    
Profession:             Trying to be Dave Bean's biggest customer    
E-mail address:    
Car Make:               Surely you jest, unless it's Vanwall    
Car Model:              '62 Super Seven 1500 Cosworth, SB1520    
Colour:                 Yellow plastic & bonnet on silver     
Main use:               Holding down jackstands in garage    
Chassis layout:         horizontal just above floor      
Construction:           Under    
Engine:                 Non-x-flow, 1506cc Cortina     
Transmission:           semi-close ratio    
Differential:           3.90     
Suspension/Brakes:      Dave Bean comp springs, GT-6 brakes f&r   
Wheels/Tyres:           Am. Racing mags, Dunlop FF fronts race tyres    
Trim:                   and small and light     
Other cars:             Honda CRXSi, Chevy C1500 p.u. 
Previous Cars:          Volvo 544 (x2) Lotus Elite 1960
Other info:             Slaloming and racing experience, vintage racer,
Bondurant grad. Oct. 1977. Plus, I do not now, nor have I ever known,
Marc Nichols, who told me about this list.
Dick Carlson
Age & Treachery Racing, Ltd. - Kansas City

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